There are a few questions you should be asking yourself when making the decisions about your post-Covid work model. Firstly, are the alleged benefits real and sustainable? Secondly, what benefits from pre-Covid work models are at risk? And thirdly, what new risks are introduced.
From the research by organisations like Leesman the loss of connection, social interaction and collaboration are the primary risks to the organisation. And at an individual level, there are physical and mental health challenges created from working from home.
Implementing a hybrid models without a deep look at these risks you potentially end up with short term gains and long-term pains.
So, what to do about the design of a hybrid work model.
- Don’t offer 100% work from home.
- Increase organisational communication as this period irrespective of decisions is stressful.
- Undertake an assessment of work requirements to deliver value and codesign with a cross section of your teams a range of work models to test.
- Implement pilots to test the impacts on individuals and organisation performance and health.
- Ensure that any work done offsite is appropriately set up considering both work and family life.
- Allocate budget for each employee to ensure their offsite workplace is fit for purpose and helps maintain a healthy home.
- Create systems and processes to ensure we understand the nuances of each employee’s home and work experience.
We can offer consulting services and offer affordable home assessments and furniture designed to address the workplace home risks – physical, social, and mental.
Please send us an email if you would like to explore how we can help you navigate this tricky period.